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Application Specifications

It contains AUT and auxiliary applications details provided at spec.appinfo and spec.auxiliaryAppInfo respectively inside chaosengine.

View the application specification schema

Field .spec.appinfo.appns
Description Flag to specify namespace of application under test
Type Optional
Range user-defined (type: string)
Default n/a
Notes The appns in the spec specifies the namespace of the AUT. Usually provided as a quoted string. It is optional for the infra chaos.

Field .spec.appinfo.applabel
Description Flag to specify unique label of application under test
Type Optional
Range user-defined (type: string)(pattern: "label_key=label_value")
Default n/a
Notes The applabel in the spec specifies a unique label of the AUT. Usually provided as a quoted string of pattern key=value. Note that if multiple applications share the same label within a given namespace, the AUT is filtered based on the presence of the chaos annotation "true". If, however, the annotationCheck is disabled, then a random application (pod) sharing the specified label is selected for chaos. It is optional for the infra chaos.

Field .spec.appinfo.appkind
Description Flag to specify resource kind of application under test
Type Optional
Range deployment, statefulset, daemonset, deploymentconfig, rollout
Default n/a (depends on app type)
Notes The appkind in the spec specifies the Kubernetes resource type of the app deployment. The Litmus ChaosOperator supports chaos on deployments, statefulsets and daemonsets. Application health check routines are dependent on the resource types, in case of some experiments. It is optional for the infra chaos

Field .spec.auxiliaryAppInfo
Description Flag to specify one or more app namespace-label pairs whose health is also monitored as part of the chaos experiment, in addition to a primary application specified in the .spec.appInfo. NOTE: If the auxiliary applications are deployed in namespaces other than the AUT, ensure that the chaosServiceAccount is bound to a cluster role and has adequate permissions to list pods on other namespaces.
Type Optional
Range user-defined (type: string)(pattern: "namespace:label_key=label_value").
Default n/a
Notes The auxiliaryAppInfo in the spec specifies a (comma-separated) list of namespace-label pairs for downstream (dependent) apps of the primary app specified in .spec.appInfo in case of pod-level chaos experiments. In case of infra-level chaos experiments, this flag specifies those apps that may be directly impacted by chaos and upon which health checks are necessary.

Application Under Test

It defines the appns, applabel, and appkind to set the namespace, labels, and kind of the application under test.

  • appkind: It supports deployment, statefulset, daemonset, deploymentconfig, and rollout. It is mandatory for the pod-level experiments and optional for the rest of the experiments.

Use the following example to tune this:

# contains details of the AUT(application under test)
# appns: name of the application
# applabel: label of the applicaton
# appkind: kind of the application. supports: deployment, statefulset, daemonset, rollout, deploymentconfig
kind: ChaosEngine
  name: engine-nginx
  engineState: "active"
  annotationCheck: "false"
  # AUT details
    appns: "default"
    applabel: "app=nginx"
    appkind: "deployment"
  chaosServiceAccount: pod-delete-sa
  - name: pod-delete

Auxiliary Application Info

The contains a (comma-separated) list of namespace-label pairs for downstream (dependent) apps of the primary app specified in .spec.appInfo in case of pod-level chaos experiments. In the case of infra-level chaos experiments, this flag specifies those apps that may be directly impacted by chaos and upon which health checks are necessary. It can be tuned via auxiliaryAppInfo field. It supports input the below format:

  • auxiliaryAppInfo: <namespace1>:<key1=value1>,<namespace2>:<key2=value2>

Note: Auxiliary application check is only supported for node-level experiments.

Use the following example to tune this:

# contains the comma seperated list of auxiliary applications details
# it is provide in `<namespace1>:<key1=value1>,<namespace2>:<key2=value2>` format
kind: ChaosEngine
  name: engine-nginx
  engineState: "active"
  annotationCheck: "false"
  # provide the comma separated auxiliary applications details
  auxiliaryAppInfo: "nginx:app=nginx,default:app=busybox"
  chaosServiceAccount: node-drain-sa
  - name: node-drain
        # name of the target node
        - name: TARGET_NODE
          value: 'node01'