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Command Probe

The command probe allows developers to run shell commands and match the resulting output as part of the entry/exit criteria. The intent behind this probe was to allow users to implement a non-standard & imperative way of expressing their hypothesis. For example, the cmdProbe enables you to check for specific data within a database, parse the value out of a JSON blob being dumped into a certain path, or check for the existence of a particular string in the service logs. It can be executed by setting type as cmdProbe inside .spec.experiments[].spec.probe.

View the command probe schema

Field .name
Description Flag to hold the name of the probe
Type Mandatory
Range n/a (type: string)
Notes The .name holds the name of the probe. It can be set based on the usecase

Field .type
Description Flag to hold the type of the probe
Type Mandatory
Range httpProbe, k8sProbe, cmdProbe, promProbe
Notes The .type supports four type of probes. It can one of the httpProbe, k8sProbe, cmdProbe, promProbe

Field .mode
Description Flag to hold the mode of the probe
Type Mandatory
Range SOT, EOT, Edge, Continuous, OnChaos
Notes The .mode supports five modes of probes. It can one of the SOT, EOT, Edge, Continuous, OnChaos

Field .cmdProbe/inputs.command
Description Flag to hold the command for the cmdProbe
Type Mandatory
Range n/a {type: string}
Notes The .cmdProbe/inputs.command contains the shell command, which should be run as part of cmdProbe

Field .cmdProbe/inputs.source
Description Flag to hold the source for the cmdProbe
Type Mandatory
Range It contains the source attributes i.e, image, imagePullPolicy
Notes The .cmdProbe/inputs.source It supports inline mode where command should be run within the experiment pod, and it can be tuned by omiting source field. Otherwise provide the source details(i.e, image) which can be used to launch a external pod where the command execution is carried out.

Field .cmdProbe/inputs.comparator.type
Description Flag to hold type of the data used for comparision
Type Mandatory
Range string, int, float
Notes The .cmdProbe/inputs.comparator.type contains type of data, which should be compare as part of comparision operation

Field .cmdProbe/inputs.comparator.criteria
Description Flag to hold criteria for the comparision
Type Mandatory
Range it supports {>=, <=, ==, >, <, !=, oneOf, between} for int & float type. And {equal, notEqual, contains, matches, notMatches, oneOf} for string type.
Notes The .cmdProbe/inputs.comparator.criteria contains criteria of the comparision, which should be fulfill as part of comparision operation.

Field .cmdProbe/inputs.comparator.value
Description Flag to hold value for the comparision
Type Mandatory
Range n/a {type: string}
Notes The .cmdProbe/inputs.comparator.value contains value of the comparision, which should follow the given criteria as part of comparision operation.

Field .runProperties.probeTimeout
Description Flag to hold the timeout for the probes
Type Mandatory
Range n/a {type: integer}
Notes The .runProperties.probeTimeout represents the time limit for the probe to execute the specified check and return the expected data

Field .runProperties.retry
Description Flag to hold the retry count for the probes
Type Mandatory
Range n/a {type: integer}
Notes The .runProperties.retry contains the number of times a check is re-run upon failure in the first attempt before declaring the probe status as failed.

Field .runProperties.interval
Description Flag to hold the interval for the probes
Type Mandatory
Range n/a {type: integer}
Notes The .runProperties.interval contains the interval for which probes waits between subsequent retries

Field .runProperties.probePollingInterval
Description Flag to hold the polling interval for the probes(applicable for Continuous mode only)
Type Optional
Range n/a {type: integer}
Notes The .runProperties.probePollingInterval contains the time interval for which continuous probe should be sleep after each iteration

Field .runProperties.initialDelaySeconds
Description Flag to hold the initial delay interval for the probes
Type Optional
Range n/a {type: integer}
Notes The .runProperties.initialDelaySeconds represents the initial waiting time interval for the probes.

Field .runProperties.stopOnFailure
Description Flags to hold the stop or continue the experiment on probe failure
Type Optional
Range false {type: boolean}
Notes The .runProperties.stopOnFailure can be set to true/false to stop or continue the experiment execution after probe fails

Common Probe Tunables

Refer the common attributes to tune the common tunables for all the probes.

Inline Mode

In inline mode, the command probe is executed from within the experiment pod. It is preferred for simple shell commands. It is default mode, and it can be tuned by omitting source field.

Use the following example to tune this:

# execute the command inside the experiment pod itself
# cases where command doesn't need any extra binaries which is not available in litmsuchaos/go-runner image
kind: ChaosEngine
  name: engine-nginx
  engineState: "active"
    appns: "default"
    applabel: "app=nginx"
    appkind: "deployment"
  chaosServiceAccount: pod-delete-sa
  - name: pod-delete
      - name: "check-database-integrity"
        type: "cmdProbe"
          # command which needs to run in cmdProbe
          command: "<command>"
            # output type for the above command
            # supports: string, int, float
            type: "string"
            # criteria which should be followed by the actual output and the expected output
            #supports [>=, <=, >, <, ==, !=] for int and float
            # supports [contains, equal, notEqual, matches, notMatches] for string values
            criteria: "contains"
            # expected value, which should follow the specified criteria
            value: "<value-for-criteria-match>"
        mode: "Edge"
          probeTimeout: 5
          interval: 5
          retry: 1
          initialDelaySeconds: 5

Source Mode

In source mode, the command execution is carried out from within a new pod whose image can be specified. It can be used when application-specific binaries are required.

View the source probe schema

Field .image
Description Flag to hold the image of the source pod
Type Mandatory
Range n/a (type: string)
Notes The .image holds the image of the source pod/td>

Field .hostNetwork
Description Flag to enable the hostNetwork for the source pod
Type Optional
Range (type: boolean)
Notes The .hostNetwork flag to enable the hostnetwork. It supports boolean values and default value is false/td>

Field .args
Description Flag to hold the args for the source pod
Type Optional
Range (type: []string])
Notes The .args flag to hold the args for source pod/td>

Field .env
Description Flag to hold the envs for the source pod
Type Optional
Range (type: []corev1.EnvVar])
Notes The .env flag to hold the envs for source pod/td>

Field .labels
Description Flag to hold the labels for the source pod
Type Optional
Range (type: map[string]string)
Notes The .labels flag to hold the labels for source pod/td>

Field .annotations
Description Flag to hold the annotations for the source pod
Type Optional
Range (type: map[string]string)
Notes The .annotations flag to hold the annotations for source pod/td>

Field .command
Description Flag to hold the command for the source pod
Type Optional
Range (type: []string
Notes The .command flag to hold the command for source pod/td>

Field .imagePullPolicy
Description Flag to set the imagePullPolicy for the source pod
Type Optional
Range (type: corev1.PullPolicy
Notes The .imagePullPolicy Flag to set the imagePullPolicy for the source pod/td>

Field .privileged
Description Flag to set the privileged for the source pod
Type Optional
Range (type: boolean
Notes The .privileged Flag to set the privileged for the source pod. Default value is false/td>

Field .nodeSelector
Description Flag to hold the node selectors for the probe pod
Type Optional
Range (type: map[string]string
Notes The .nodeSelector Flag to hold the node selectors for the probe pod/td>

Field .tolerations
Description Flag to hold the tolerations for the probe pod
Type Optional
Range (type: []corev1.Tolerations
Notes The .tolerations Flag to hold the Tolerations for the probe pod

Field .volumes
Description Flag to hold the volumes for the source pod
Type Optional
Range (type: []corev1.Volume
Notes The .volumes Flag to hold the volumes for source pod/td>

Field .volumeMount
Description Flag to hold the volume mounts for the source pod
Type Optional
Range (type: []corev1.VolumeMount
Notes The .volumes Flag to hold the volume Mounts for source pod/td>

Field .imagePullSecrets
Description Flag to set the imagePullSecrets for the source pod
Type Optional
Range (type: []corev1.LocalObjectReference
Notes The .imagePullSecrets Flag to set the imagePullSecrets for the source pod/td>

Use the following example to tune this:

# it launches the external pod with the source image and run the command inside the same pod
# cases where command needs an extra binaries which is not available in litmsuchaos/go-runner image
kind: ChaosEngine
  name: engine-nginx
  engineState: "active"
    appns: "default"
    applabel: "app=nginx"
    appkind: "deployment"
  chaosServiceAccount: pod-delete-sa
  - name: pod-delete
      - name: "check-database-integrity"
        type: "cmdProbe"
          # command which needs to run in cmdProbe
          command: "<command>"
            # output type for the above command
            # supports: string, int, float
            type: "string"
            # criteria which should be followed by the actual output and the expected output
            #supports [>=, <=, >, <, ==, !=, oneOf, between] for int and float
            # supports [contains, equal, notEqual, matches, notMatches, oneOf] for string values
            criteria: "contains"
            # expected value, which should follow the specified criteria
            value: "<value-for-criteria-match>"
          # source for the cmdProbe
            image: "<source-image>"
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            privileged: true
            hostNetwork: false
        mode: "Edge"
          probeTimeout: 5
          interval: 5
          retry: 1
          initialDelaySeconds: 5